Personalized workshop on the learning project (French only)

Personalized workshop on the learning project (available in french only)

Personalized workshop on the learning project

On Wednesday, March 24, at 8:30 a.m., the ACPEQ will be offering a personalized workshop on the learning project, on Zoom, to help new parent educators who have embarked on the homeschooling adventure after spring break. This meeting is exclusively for ACPEQ members and is available in French only.

Register to come and ask your questions to our dedicated volunteers, who will be happy to point you in the right direction and answer your questions.

Places are limited! In order to ensure that every question is answered properly, we limit the number of participants to 10 people. Take the time to register now to reserve your spot!

A big thank you to our volunteers!

See you soon!



2021 Workshop - Learning Projet March (French only)

Why a phone number?

We ask for your phone number so that we can contact you quickly if there is a technical problem with your Zoom connection. We will then try to help you as best we can so that you can fully enjoy the workshop.

Do you have a question for the facilitator about the learning project?



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