The Time is Short

The Time is Short

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve had a fulfilling summer and that autumn is shaping up well for your family. A few years ago, a wise Christian woman counseled me briefly on my journey into motherhood, at a time when I had three very young children. She made a statement that stuck with me: “Time is…

Ideas for writing!

Ideas for writing!

I would like to share several tips that I have discovered over the years to entice and encourage my children to write and develop their writing skills. Of course, they don’t always like the themes I suggest, but I have noticed that they are proud of themselves when they manage to produce a piece of writing, even if they don’t want to let it show. They gain something from it and their skills improve significantly.

A little motivation, please!
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A little motivation, please!

If you’ve been homeschooling for some time, you may have experienced a drop in motivation and drive in your children and yourself at certain times of the year. You have probably experienced days when everything seems to go wrong: the teenagers complain, the little ones fight, everyone bickers and the noise level is intense… Days when you would like to go and live on a deserted island, to put it simply!