Association of Christian Parents-Educators of Québec

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LEADERS’ DAY – November 9, 2019

Dear Members,

We are pleased to inform you that the emphasis of our leadership day will be on strategic planning. This day will be moderated by David Long. David has extensive experience in this type of activity. He will be accompanied by his wife Sheila. Together, they have completed or, in some cases, are continuing to homeschool their 6 children in different states; England, New York, British Columbia and, in recent years, Quebec.

We will offer workshops and brainstorming sessions to help us to know and serve our members better. Are you one of our leaders? Do you want to become a leader? Do you want to become an influencer within ACPEQ? Do you want to promote homeschooling and ACPEQ? Register by clicking on the link below.

Join with the Board of Directors for this event by clicking on the following link to register:

The meeting will take place at:

l’Église de l’Espoir de Longueuil
911 boul. Roland-Therrien
Longueuil, J4J 4L3

When: Saturday, November 9, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Dinner: Bring your lunch
Coffee and Snacks provided

Sign up now. We’re counting on you!

As we prepare for this day and with the recent changes we are experiencing, here is a Bible passage from the book of Nehemiah that inspired us.

And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night. In Judah it was said, “The strength of those who bear the burdens is failing. There is too much rubble. By ourselves, we will not be able to rebuild the wall.” And our enemies said, “They will not know or see till we come among them and kill them and stop the work.” At that time the Jews who lived near them came from all directions and said to us ten times, “You must return to us.” So in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people by their clans, with their swords, their spears, and their bows. And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.” Nehemiah 4:9-14 (ESV)

I invite you to read the entire book of Nehemiah as a family and realize and acknowledge what God can do for us. Put your name, your location, your vision and especially homeschooling as the fortress you are building.

I look forward to meeting you,


Patrice Boileau, .Eng., MBA

Volunteers Wanted

I believe in it! I'm getting involved!

ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families.   Be involved - become an ACPEQ volunteer.

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