ACPEQ news

Dear members and friends,

The difficult context in which our society is plunged causes a lot of uncertainty and insecurity in the general population. For all of our ACPEQ member families, who put our faith and trust in God, this situation causes us concerns as well, but we have the grace of an eternal hope that surpasses all earthly hope. We are privileged to find support and comfort on a solid foundation, our rock, the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this context, I am pleased to inform you of recent actions and decisions of the Board of Directors:

2020 annual virtual conference

The board voted to cancel the annual “physical” conference because of the pandemic and the potential repercussions. However, we will be holding a virtual congress on Friday June 12 and Saturday June 13, 2020. We are convinced that this formula will allow us to reach even more members. Particularly those for whom traveling in the Montreal area entailed costs of transportation, accommodation and meals on the road. This virtual conference has at least one positive side here: we should be able to organize it without increasing costs.

Technological questions will be part of the challenges! Those involved in the organization of the conference, and who had already started their preparations, are now going to get busy offering you a digital conference! I take this opportunity to invite you to contact Sylvie at if you would like to help organize the virtual conference.

New vice-president

It is my pleasure, on behalf of our president Ivan Cyr, to inform you that the Board has voted a new vice-president in the person of David Maurais. You will recall that David and his wife Sylvie joined the Board last August. Sylvie and David homeschool their 4 children. David himself was educated at home, surely in the first generation of homeschooling in Quebec.


The DEM has been in great demand since the various announcements of school closures. Access to school materials, compulsory exams, and many other things that have become uncertain with the ongoing pandemic have been discussed.

One thing I am sure is that this situation could be beneficial for most of our members. On the one hand, we don’t have to compromise on the education we give to our children. For the majority of us, the current situation has little or no impact on our ability to teach and the quality of the education we continue to provide to our children. There will therefore be no shortcuts to progress to the next level unlike children in the public sector. Pray that this situation will be an opportunity in which our families will shine more than ever. Pray for our DEM interlocutors who have to deal with new constraints, pray for our political decision-makers, health, education, public security and other authorities who must make difficult decisions for the protection and security of all of our fellow citizens.

In conclusion

In conclusion, it is not because families in Quebec are temporarily experimenting with school in their homes that they are homeschooling. On the contrary, let us remember that homeschooling as we live it is a whole different way of life and lifestyle choice than going to school at (or in) home. Come to think of it, these are 2 completely different things! But it’s also an unexpected opportunity for the homeschool community to raise awareness of what we do.

I would like to leave you with these few verses of Psalm 121:

I lift my eyes to the mountains
Where will my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made the heavens and the earth.
He will not allow your foot to stumble;
He who keeps you will not sleep


Patrice Boileau, ing., MBA

Volunteer Wanted

I believe in it! I'm getting involved!

ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families. Be involved - become an ACPEQ volunteer.

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