Association of Christian Parents-Educators of Québec

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A Word from the Vice-President – April 2024


Peace at home in adversity – a manifestation of God’s power.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

 One of the immense challenges in our families is maintaining a climate of peace. Children especially need it for their creativity, confidence in their parents’ unconditional love, and their sense of security and belonging at home.

Having harmonious and fulfilling human relationships is at the heart of our aspirations. Yet, in many households, the peace God offers has dissipated. Laughter is replaced by a chilling silence, deepening a profound relational gap among family members. We may sleep in the same bed, but our hearts and thoughts are thousands of miles apart. Significant moments of connection with our children and teens can go unnoticed. It feels like we’re on different planets from them. 

Relational suffering can lead to abandoning our dreams, responsibilities, homes, calling, and destiny.

However, this is not God’s will for our families or children. The Lord doesn’t just call us to make peace with Him but to enjoy His peace in our daily lives. God wants to teach us how to spread peace in our homes. His desire is to manifest His peace in our conversations, teaching us to grow and communicate peacefully, even in adversity.

In Matthew 5, Jesus describes the attitudes that should characterize the lives of His disciples. This leads to them being “blessed” and living a life of relational and spiritual abundance. He reminds us that bringing peace can change everything in our hearts and families. (Matthew 5:9)

Let’s reflect, meditate, and pray on the following questions:

  • How do we react to the knowledge that the Lord desires to pour out
  • His Spirit of power, peace, and wisdom upon us?
  • Are we using this power to work towards peace, or do we tend towards criticism, anger, bitterness, coldness, reproach, and blame?
  • Do we need to turn to God again and trust Him regarding the promise that peacemakers will be called children of God?

You may have lost hope or given up on some battles. Jesus is still the one who can calm the fiercest storms of our souls, and He is still the God of resurrection. If the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you, it can revive you and even resurrect your inclination towards peace (Romans 8:11). He is not only the Comforter but also the one who can create a new heart of peace. Let’s therefore deploy our zeal for peace.

  Let’s pray: “Lord, you call us to be peacemakers, ‘influencers’ for peace. You want us to be people who forgive and work toward reconciliation. Fill us with Your Spirit of peace so that we may be happy children of God who spread Your peace around us. Lord, create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me, in the name of Jesus, Amen!” (Psalm 51:10-12)

Have a nice day!

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