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Message from the President

Message from the President

Dear members and friends,

At the time this is being written, the curfew has been lifted for 2 days across Quebec! If this government decision does not directly affect our homeschool activities, the easing of other health measures allows us to hope for pleasant summer activities and especially for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year when the support groups should finally be able to resume.

The Power of the ACPEQ Conference

The Power of the ACPEQ Conference

Last spring a little seed buried deeply within my consciousness started to germinate. It was called homeschooling. I welcomed it with enthusiasm and began to water it daily by becoming more informed on this subject. I soon realized that this was a complex project that required an execution which left
little margin for error since my children were in secondary 4 and secondary 2 (Grades 10 and 8) at the time. The more information I accumulated, the more I realized that I needed to go beyond just reading.