Association Chrétienne des Parents-Éducateurs du Québec

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French language resources

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Am I eligible?


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Under Bill 144, every homeschool family in Québec must teach French. Below is a list of resources to help you comply with this new regulation.

  • Determine your goals and the number of hours you are willing to invest in learning French.
  • Select your learning program according to the language needs and your budget: each learner is different.
  • Make realistic and concrete goals.
  • Spend time every day learning: listening, reading, talking, writing.

Learning French can be done in a thousand ways at any time of the day. It’s up to you to discover, personalize and make your learning enjoyable.

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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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List of practical French resources for you to use with your child/children:

  • French books that are accompanied by CDs so that your child can listen to the story while following along in the book. This will help your child learn new vocabulary and attune his/her ear to the sounds of French.
  • French comic books and cartoons that your child will enjoy
  • French DVD’s or books about Tintin, Astérix, Lucky Luke or Boule et Bill
  • a French dictionary including a picture word dictionary for SK-1
  • a good French dictionary for everyday use
  • a good French/English dictionary
  • a French dictionary that divides words into themes (sports, clothing, home) for elementary students
  • a French dictionary with a small encyclopedia section for secondary students
  • a French atlas to help in Social Studies or Geography for topographical terms as well as names of place in French (i.e., Germany = Allemagne)
  • French resource books listing French verbs such as the Bescherelle
  • a book of French synonyms to help with writing, similar to what the thesaurus does for English writing
  • French music CDs


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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  • Fluentu: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French
  • For French immersion: Epic List of free online resources for French teachers
  • Useful Resources for the French Immersion Classroom


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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FSL books


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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Picture dictionary


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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TV shows


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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Nursery rhymes


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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Educational Software


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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French Textbooks 

FSL Textbooks

On-line exercises


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Teacher’s Treasure: 8 Time-saving Online Resources for Teaching French

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Tools for teachers and parents

Tools for students


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