General Assembly about Homeschooling

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Photo by Marjorie Bertrand on Unsplash

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Dear members and friends,

I hope you are having a good summer. We would like to announce two important events. First of all, a general assembly will be held on September 15 in Montreal and the National Home Education Conference (NHEC) will be held from September 26 to 28 in Ottawa.

General Assembly: Teaching at home: Let’s dream about our future!

On Sunday, September 15, there will be a general assembly outlining our vision of home schooling in 2050. Do you want to contribute to building a vision of the future of home schooling in Quebec? 150 volunteers and concerned members of three major Quebec associations; ACPEQ, AEJEM, AQED, as well as other people from the home-schooling community, will be invited to participate in the development of the vision for the future of home schooling in Quebec. What kind of world do we want to leave to our children and grandchildren in case one day they decide to home school? Special guests will discuss the topic from different perspectives, and you will be asked to participate in team sessions during the workshops to develop different sub-themes, which your team will then present to the other participants.

Confirmed guests: Dr. Christine Brabant, researcher at the University of Montreal, Megen Zelinka, legal counsel for HSLDA, and Yvon Magnette, resource teacher (orthopédagogue).

Preliminary program

  • 1:00 pm  Welcome and registration for the workshops
  • 1:30 pm  Introduction given by representatives of the associations
  • 1:45 pm  Guest lectures: Global Perspective, Canadian Situation, Religious Groups, and Children with Special Needs
  • 2:45 pm  Themed workshops
  • 3:45 pm  Plenary Session
  • 4:30 pm  Summary of Results
  • 5:00 pm  Our Next Steps
  • 5:15 pm  Conclusion

Cost: $10 per person – only 50 spaces available per association.

Location: Collège Jean-Eudes, 3535, boul. Rosemont, Montreal, H1X 1K7

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The National Home Education Conference (NHEC)

Visit the website by clicking on the following link:

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Despite the long wait and the regulation modifications that left our families unsatisfied, let us keep our heads held high, our eyes fixed on God’s promises. I leave you the beginning of this verse that I hope will inspire you as it inspires me at this particular time:

“But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and flourished; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.”

Exodus 1:12, Berean Study Bible

The future of home schooling is brighter than ever!

Be blessed and enjoy God’s goodness throughout this beautiful summer.

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Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA

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ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families. Be involved – become an ACPEQ volunteer.

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