Association Chrétienne des Parents-Éducateurs du Québec

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Invitation to attend ACPEQ Leaders’ Get-together

Information regarding an important meeting to add to your agenda.

ACPEQ’s Board of Directors and its President, Ivan Cyr, invite all homeschool leaders to participate in our annual Leadership Get-together.

            Date :  Saturday, November 3 from 8:45 to 15:30
            Place   Église de l’Espoir de Longueuil
                        911 Roland-Therrien Boulevard
                       Longueuil, J4J 4L3
            Please bring your lunch

The program will include three motivational messages by a guest speaker, a guided interview with Mr. Christian Rousseau, Director General of Homeschool Services at the Ministry of Education, and two workshops related to homeschooling. More details about the gathering will be sent to you in mid-October.

If you are leading a support group, organizing activities for moms and/or for children, or any other form of involvement, you do not want to miss this gathering!  Attendance via live video conference will be possible, however we strongly recommend that you plan to attend in person!

We are looking forward to welcoming many participants for this unique get-together. Register today!


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Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA


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ACPEQ is made up of dedicated volunteers who generously contribute their time and talents.

A significant number of homeschooling families who get involved in ACPEQ will make a difference by providing additional services that support our operations, enhance members care and create a welcoming atmosphere in ACPEQ. This involvement will help influence the next generation of practices of homeschooling. Be a leader, be an ACPEQ volunteer!


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