Report of the postsecondary institutions’ open houses

Photo by Christian Lambert on Unsplash

Dear ACPEQ members and friends

We would like to thank the families who recently visited universities and CEGEPs during their open houses. The following institutions were visited: UQAT – Montreal campus, University of Ottawa, Cégep André-Laurendeau, and Cégep du Vieux-Montréal. These visits help to make admissions officers aware of the option of admitting our home-schooled children.

While each individual university is responsible for its own admission service, the majority of Quebec CEGEPs use the services of three (3) admission centers: SRACQ, SRALSJ, and SRAM. We have been in contact with the SRAM to arrange a meeting that will allow us to introduce ourselves to those responsible for admissions.

Together, we can blaze new trails and build a strong and respected community. We invite you to continue to visit the CEGEPs and universities in your region in order to sow the seeds of opportunity in this fresh soil which will allow our children to be accepted into post-secondary studies based on their portfolios. Please keep us abreast of the institutions you have visited and the people with whom you have met.

ACPEQ will continue to follow up and reinforce the strength of the candidacy of children taught at home while forging links that will bear fruit for years to come.

Come to the ACPEQ conference on June 7 and 8 where we will be able to give additional information on the developments in the situation.


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ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families. Be involved – become an ACPEQ volunteer.




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