Association of Christian Parents-Educators of Québec

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Mélanie Fauteux

My name is Melanie and I have been married for 10 1/2 years to the man of my life. We have 4 wonderful children from 5 to 9 years old, some with special needs. I am in my second year of homeschooling with my children and will continue as long as God wants me to. I am also in charge of a support group in my area.

Lundi le 3 mai, 11 h 00

Mythes et réalités de l'école-maison

Lorsqu’on pense à faire l’école à la maison, on se demande si on a les prérequis pour enseigner à nos enfants. Lors de nos recherches, on voit plusieurs vidéos d’exemples de familles dont les journées types semblent si parfaites. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas ? Ensemble, levons le rideau sur les côtés moins reluisants de l’école-maison ainsi que sur le plaisir d’enseigner nos enfants.

Monday, May 3rd, 8:15 p.m.

Q&A on Homeschooling

Are you hearing about homeschooling for the first time? Maybe you’ve already been toying with the idea of taking the plunge, but are hesitant? Do you need the answers to some questions before making the leap? Myriam, Mélanie and Josée, three moms who have been homeschooling for several years now, will be happy to take some time with you to listen and provide you with their answers. This opportunity is not to be missed!

Wednesday, May 5, 8:15 pm

Coffee-Break for Moms

How do we live our daily lives as mothers? Come and share your experience. Take an evening to recharge your batteries, discuss and ask your questions to experienced moms who have gone through the same questions as you!