Guylaine Chevanel


Guylaine Chevanel has worked for over 35 years in second language teaching at the elementary, secondary and adult levels, in the development of learning methods and as a language consultant. She continues to work in both face-to-face and online settings for First Nations and home-schoolers in Quebec and Ontario.

Tuesday, May 4th, 1:30 pm

Develop the second language with rigor, happiness and discovery

FromMeÀToi is an approach to help the learning of French as a second language.   FromMeÀToi has been developed by two young adults from Ontario who did  French Immersion School and have been supervised by York University teachers.  FromMeÀToi is still being worked on and Modules are and will be published throughout the coming year.  The Modules allow the acquisition of vocabulary, basic grammar rules, pronunciation exercises, games, videos etc.

The approach comes with a tutor and an opportunity to practice with kids who are learning the other language, through games, Bingos, projects etc.

Vendredi le 7 mai, 15 h 30

Développer la langue seconde dans la rigueur, le bonheur et la découverte

Comprendre l’approche DeMoiToYou-FromMeÀToi avec ses modules d’apprentissage et son matériel varié et en constante évolution, ses grilles pour les évaluations, ses suivis réguliers avec tuteurs expérimentés et engagés, ses Web Pals (copains qui étudient l’autre langue et qui se branchent en ClassZoom pour des jeux, des échanges, des présentations etc.) pour la pratique bilingue authentique, ainsi que ses découvertes culturelles.

L’approche favorise les victoires afin de maintenir la motivation et ainsi, augmenter la confiance en soi dans la langue seconde.

Guylaine Chevanel / DeMoiToYou et FromMeÀTo