Using the Right Strategies to Home-School Successfully

Using the Right Strategies to Home-School Successfully

As parent educators, we occasionally find ourselves exhausted from our homeschool schedule and the management of our household. Therefore, we often turn into a drill sergeant. Yet, homeschooling is more effective when our priorities are set elsewhere. A child’s learning difficulties or pace and everyday life interruptions are beyond our control. However,

Message from the President

Message from the President

Dear members and friends,

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, I am expressing a little editorial, before offering you my greetings.

Every year, as Christians, we have the incredible occasion to make a difference in the lives of our loved ones, friends, neighbours and colleagues, especially in this time of pandemic!


November 2020 NewsLetter

Association of Christian Parent-Educators of Quebec NEWSLETTER We’re here for the families! Mathematics Workshops ACPEQ offers its members a series of five (5) 45-minute workshops in mathematics, during which the competencies “Reasoning with Mathematical Concepts and Processes” and “Solving a Problem Situation” will be worked on. We have grouped the levels as follows: One or…

Communiqué to Members – Health Restrictions

Dear Members, With the pandemic that continues and could remain for some time, the homeschool community is limited in its freedoms by health restrictions aimed at combating this pandemic.   In particular, prohibiting families from seeing each other hinders the healthy development of our children, both socially and academically. To this end, in collaboration with…

Communiqué to Membres – restrictions October 2020

Dear Members, The evolution of the pandemic and the addition of restrictions, such as in the red zones, has become a major concern for all the families we represent. This morning the multi-association group was in communication with the DEM to highlight the fact that forbidding the socialization of our children is damaging to their…

Vendor’s Workshops – Conference 2020

Dear Members, Save the dates from June 13 to 19, 2020. The annual ACPEQ conference offers a wealth of information to homeschool moms (and dads), including encouragement and support. Whether you are new to homeschooling or are a veteran homeschooler, the ACPEQ conference can offer you insight, perspective, and refreshment along your educational journey. The…

A New Look for ACPEQ

Our new, updated website will provide better service to our members Please log in to the Members’ Area to ensure that your ACPEQ membership is active and to get the Member Discount for the Conference. The first time you log in to the Member Area, you will need to choose a new password. Visit…