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A Time to Rest
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A Time to Rest

Though this advice from experienced parents is full of wisdom, it can be difficult to put it into practice. Either because new parents want to prove to themselves that they can do it alone, or because the family does not have a “village” to help educate their children. In both scenarios, it is the physical and mental exhaustion of the mother and the breakdown of the parent-child hierarchy that threaten the family’s balance.

Free Workshop Video

What is Homeschooling and Why you Should Choose that Option In this workshop, we will attempt to answer some of the semi-existential questions that parents who have not yet embarked on the homeschooling adventure may have and wonder what it is all about, and why they should make the move to homeschooling for one or…

Discovery Day

Discovery Day Tuesday May 3rd 9:00 – 16:30 9:00 DeMoiToYou Presentation of a specialized educational tool for learning English in the classroom or at home, developed for students in the second and third cycle of primary and the first year of secondary school. 9:30 Alloprof Free, innovative and stimulating support services offered for 25 years…

2022 Registration

Participant’s Guide Get a head start and look at the excerpt from the conference program. You can discover the proposed program by clicking on the image on the right. The guide, with the complete program, will be available at the opening of the Conference. Free workshop Wednesday April 27, 19:00-20:30 What is homeschooling, and why…